BV1100 Child protection in the welfare state - Mandate, profession and self-understanding Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Barnevern i velferdsstaten – mandat, profesjon og selvforståelse
Study programme
Bachelorstudium i barnevern
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2023
Programme description
Course history


This course provides insight into the complex role of child welfare officers as professionals in the Norwegian welfare system. The students will be given an introduction to the history of the child welfare service, its social mandate and welfare policy goals, and ethical guidelines for child welfare officers. The division of tasks and responsibility in the welfare system as a whole and the sphere of child welfare in particular, are central aspects of the course. The students will gain insight into their own role as future child welfare officers and how previous experience can influence their interactions with children and parents/guardians. An introduction to creative methods will give the students an opportunity to reflect on their reactions and feelings, and they will learn how creative methods can be used in practical child care and welfare work. 

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes


The student

·         has knowledge of the child welfare service’s social mandate and the division of tasks and responsibility in the social welfare administration

·         has knowledge of children’s upbringing and childhood with particular emphasis on understanding children, young people and families in vulnerable life situations

·         has knowledge of preventive work and social pedagogy work with children and young people in vulnerable life situations and their families  

·         has knowledge of social pedagogy, their own profession and the history of child welfare and its role in society

·         has knowledge of how the design of health and social policy affects priorities and professional practice in the area of child welfare 

·         is familiar with entrepreneurship and innovation in child welfare  

·         has knowledge of how creative methods form part of a child welfare officer's relational competence



The student

·         can reflect on the effect of welfare policy on professional practice  

·         can reflect on the complex professional role of child welfare officers 

·         has an understanding of how different activities are initiated and managed with emphasis on mastery and participation

·         can reflect on how their own reactions, feelings and experience can influence interactions with others


General competence

The student

·         is familiar with key health and social policy issues, the development of the welfare state and relevant professions 

·         has an understanding of how the child welfare service’s organisation and structure affect the performance of social pedagogy work

·         has insight into how creative methods can be used in relational work with children and families 

·         has emerging insight into how to sort their own reactions and feelings in their professional practice


This course provides insight into the complex role of child welfare officers as professionals in the Norwegian welfare system. The students will be given an introduction to the history of the child welfare service, its social mandate and welfare policy goals, and ethical guidelines for child welfare officers. The division of tasks and responsibility in the welfare system as a whole and the sphere of child welfare in particular, are central aspects of the course. The students will gain insight into their own role as future child welfare officers and how previous experience can influence their interactions with children and parents/guardians. An introduction to creative methods will give the students an opportunity to reflect on their reactions and feelings, and they will learn how creative methods can be used in practical child care and welfare work. 

Teaching and learning methods

The course is taught through lectures, self-study, base groups, skills training in groups and other teaching methods as needed.

Course requirements

The course has one coursework requirement/compulsory activity.

1. Compulsory skills training in working on one’s own attitudes and self-reflection using creative and aesthetic methods.

The attendance requirement for compulsory teaching activities is 80%. If a student's absence exceeds 20%, a comprehensive alternative coursework requirement is set to compensate. If a student's absence exceeds 40%, they lose the right to take the exam. Each student is responsible for ensuring that their attendance is documented.

Compulsory activities must be completed and approved by the given deadline in order for the student to take the exam.


The exam is an individual written home exam over 48 hours with a scope of 8-10 pages. Font and font size: Calibri 12-point. Line spacing 1.5. The approved citation style APA for assignments must be complied with.

Candidates who fail or who were absent from the ordinary exam for a valid reason can take a resit/rescheduled exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


The exam papers are assessed by one internal and one external examiner. At least 25% of the exam papers will be assessed by two examiners. The grades awarded for the papers assessed by two examiners form the basis for determining the level for all the exam papers.