BIOB1220 Anatomy and Physiology Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Anatomi og fysiologi
Study programme
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Programme
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The course covers basic knowledge about anatomy, physiology and histology. Key aspects are knowledge about and understanding of the connection between the structure and function of different tissues and organs and the most important mechanisms for regulating biological functions. Basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and histology is a prerequisite for understanding disease and how it can affect analysis results.

Required preliminary courses

The student must have been admitted to the study programme.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge and skills:


The student

  • can describe how cells, tissues, organs and organ systems are built up and function
  • has knowledge of human anatomy and physiology key to biomedical laboratory work
  • has knowledge of the connection between the cells and tissues’ structure and function
  • has knowledge of the cells’ structure and function in relation to biomedical analysis
  • is familiar with basic medical terminology
  • can explain the main characteristics of the immune system and the different functions of immune cells


The student

  • can recognise and describe cells and tissues from different tissue and organs by microscopic examination

Teaching and learning methods

Work and teaching methods include lectures, seminars, assignments and laboratory work.

Parts of the teaching used is the ‘flipped classroom’, where digital learning resources will be made available to students in advance. Digital learning resources include video lectures, digital tests and practical exercises.

Course requirements

In order to be permitted to take the exam, the following must have been approved:

  • a minimum of 90 per cent attendance in laboratory teaching


Supervised individual written multiple choice exam, 3 hours

Permitted exam materials and equipment

No aids are permitted.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


All answers are reviewed by one examiner. An external examiner is regularly involved in the design of assignment sets and assessment criteria, at least every third completion of the course.

Overlapping courses

  • 10 credits overlap with BIO1200 Fundamentals of Biomedical Analysis: Anatomy, Physiology and Histology
  • 10 credits overlap with BIOB1210 Anatomy and Physiology