BAPD1400 Experimental use of Materials and techniques Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Eksperimenterende bruk av materialer og teknikker
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Product Design
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


In this course, students will become familiar with and skilled in innovation with form and experimentation with material properties.

Required preliminary courses

Admission to the programme and approved workshop training (coursework requirement in BAPD1020).

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student is familiar with

  • methods of innovative ideation and idea processing
  • experimental methods of exploring materials
  • surface and processing techniques in various material areas


The student has basic skills in

  • experimenting with materials and ideas related to 3D forms
  • exploring different material surface properties
  • experimental work with unpredictable results and possibilities
  • working systematically with documenting experiments


The student

  • is familiar with relevant ethical issues in the discipline and profession and is aware of professional attitudes in the design field
  • is capable of referring to specialist literature
  • is capable of exchanging points of view and experience with others with backgrounds in the field and in this way contribute to developing good practice
  • is capable of reflecting on his/her own development in the learning process and adjusting it
  • is capable of working with results that can be verified

Teaching and learning methods

Workshops, lectures, demonstrations, workshop practice and individual and group assignments.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • Research question: One A4 page containing text and inspirational images.
  • Work plan: Activity and time schedule.
  • Patterns and colour: Physical or digital submission of a pattern report produced by the student containing at least three colour options based on Itten’s colour contrasts.
  • Written reflection on the student’s own learning process and planning. Up to two A4 pages.


Portfolio assessment subject to the following requirements:

  • Part 1. Contribution to the class’s joint materials library:
    • Physical documentation
    • Written and visual documentation (4-8 A4 pages)
  • Part 2:
    • Physical object, idea sketches, models and material testing.
    • Presentation portfolio in A3 format containing a comprehensive and thorough visual process description (sketch material, text and images). Minimum of 15 pages.
  • Part 3. Workshop manual
    • Supplementary submissions in the form of written and, if applicable, illustrated notes on all pages under the titles Mine notater (‘My notes’) in the workbook Verkstedhåndbok (‘Workshop manual’). This means that the workbook is re-introduced in this course and supplemented in relation to the course BAPD1010.

All parts of the portfolio must be passed (grade E or better) in order to pass the exam in the course.

The exam result can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


Two internal examiners. External examiners are used regularly.

Course contact person

Kristin Andreassen