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Frequently Asked Questions about the Student ID App

Frequently Asked Questions about the Student ID App

How do I log on to the app?

You log on with the same username (a combination of letters and numbers) and password you use on other OsloMet systems (Canvas, computer etc.).

When can I start using the app?

You may start using the app as soon as you have registered in Studentweb and paid the semester fee. Please note that it can take up to 5 working days before your payment is registered in our system.

Do I still need a OsloMet student card (admission card)?

Yes, you need your student card to borrow books from the Learning Centre and Library and to get into the OsloMet buildings where you have your classes. Students must keep their student cards with them whenever they are on campus.

How do I use the app to prove that I have the right to buy a student ticket on VY or Ruter? 

When you meet a ticket inspector, you need to show your transport ticket (NSB or Ruter) together with your Student ID App. The app proves that you are an active student at OsloMet.

Why doesn’t my picture show on the app?

Your picture will not show on the app until you have received your student card with your picture on. You will receive more information about when and where you can get your student card at the Orientation Meeting or at the Service Centre.

Is the Student ID App valid when it doesn’t show my picture?

Yes, it is valid, but you will have to show additional picture ID. The app still proves that you are an active student at OsloMet.

I am getting an error message. What does that mean?

Please send an email to studentbevis@oslomet.no, if you get an error message.

Do I need to bring a semester card to my exam?

No, you do not.

How can I order a semester card in paper format?

More information on how to order a semester card by clicking this link . Please note that the card will be sent to your registered semester address. Remember to update your semester address in Studentweb.

What kind of information does the app gain access to?

The app gains access to the following information: name, date of birth, student ID number, educational institution, student status (whether you have registered and paid the semester fee or not).

Where is this information stored?

The information is stored in the app, on your device.

How long is this student ID valid for?

The semester registration and payment is valid until 31 January for the autumn semester and until 31 August for the spring semester.

I need help with the app. Who do I contact?

Send an email to studentbevis@oslomet.no

What is FS?

FS is an administration system used by OsloMet as a database for student information and records. The Digital Student Identification App uses this system to access necessary information about you.

Terms and conditions for the use of the Student ID App

The application will show information such as name, educational institution, and whether or not you have registered and paid the semester fee.

The app functions as student ID at student welfare organizations in Bergen and Oslo. Other operators may decline to accept the app as student ID. If the app does not include your picture, you are required to show additional picture ID.

When you start using the app for the first time, internet access is required to download necessary information. The information will be stored on your device, so the app can be used offline. 

Oslo Metropolitan University carries no responsibilities for fines or misuse of the application etc.

Contact information

Contact information