Sam Woodford has been named Teacher of the Year


Sam Woodford receives the award from the leader of the Student Parliament, Amalie Fadler Opdal.

Photo: Benjamin Ward/OsloMet

Sam Woodford has been named Teacher of the Year

In addition to being a university lecturer at the Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical engineering, Sam Woodford has now been awarded the title "Teacher of the Year" by OsloMet's students.

The prize is awarded every year and was presented by the leader of the Student Parliament, Amalie Fadler Opdal, at an event for OsloMet's employees on August 29th.

Reason for the prize

According to the many nominations he received from his students, Sam is good at meeting students at their level of knowledge, making difficult topics engaging and guiding them to reach their full potential.

He takes student feedback seriously and uses it to improve his teaching.

Sam has his door open at fixed times, which makes him available to the students and creates a predictable and good learning environment.

The jury

The winner was chosen by a student jury from all four faculties at OsloMet in addition to the education and internationalization officer for the Student Parliament.