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Guidelines for processing applications relating to special arrangements in connection with written examinations at OsloMet

Guidelines for processing applications relating to special arrangements in connection with written examinations at OsloMet

Appointed by the Education Committee 22. November 2023 in accordance with Regulations Relating to Studies and Examinations at Oslo Metropolitan University, § 6, appointed by the Board of OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University 15 June 2023. These guidelines are applicable from 1 January 2023.

1. The purpose of special arrangements

Students who struggle with completing an examination in its original form, due to medical or other conditions, may apply for special arrangements or an alternative form of assessment. The purpose of special arrangements is to compensate for the disadvantage the disability brings about, and at the same time ensure that the students, to the greatest possible extent, are tested on equal terms. The special arrangement shall not be so comprehensive that it will entail any advantages compared to other students cf. Regulations Relating to Studies and Examinations at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, § 6-8.

2. Responsibilities and administrative proceedings

Section for Admissions and Assessment is responsible for special arrangements in connection with written examinations. Administrative proceedings are subject to confidentiality requirements. The decision may be appealed against. Deadline for appeal is three weeks and the appeal must be submitted in writing to the unit that made the decision. Applications relating to an alternative form of assessment are assessed by the Faculty Board and are not included in these guidelines. An alternative form of assessment may be relevant for students who struggle with completing the examination in its original form. The application shall be submitted to the relevant faculty. The faculties may provide their own guidelines.

3. Deadlines, application form and documentation

The application deadline for special arrangements in connection with examinations is 1 September for the autumn semester and 1 February for the spring semester. You may apply for special arrangements for one or more semesters. If the application states that the condition is chronic/long-term, the special arrangements may be granted for the whole period of study. The documentation must state the disadvantages the disability may cause in an examination situation. The documentation must also state the student’s need for special arrangements in the particular examination period mentioned in the application. The completed application form must be submitted to the Section for Examinations and Student Administrative Systems (Pilestredet Campus) or the faculty administration (Kjeller Campus) within the appointed deadlines. Certificate from medical practitioner must be enclosed with the application. If the student is not able to get a doctor’s appointment before the deadline passes, the certificate may be forwarded. However, the case officer must have the certificate within one month after the application deadline. The certificate must be a true copy and include a stamp. Original documents will not be returned to sender. Application form and «Statement from medical practitioner » may be downloaded from our website.

4. Acute illness

If a student becomes acutely ill during the semester, he/she may apply for special arrangements even though the deadline has passed. The medical certificate must state that the illness was acute or that a deterioration of a chronic illness has occurred. Acute illness during the examination period, e.g. after the commencement of the individual examination, does not automatically give the student the right to extended examination time, c.f. Regulations Relating to Studies and Examinations at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences § 6-8.

5. Special arrangement measures

Examples of measures:

  • Extended time in connection with written examinations with invigilation
  • Extended time in connection with written examinations without invigilation
  • Use of computer and reading and writing software
  • Use of felt pen or pencil
  • Anonymous certificate to the examiner relating to reading and writing difficulties (dyslexia)
  • The question paper/answer paper read aloud
  • Swivel chair and/or height adjustable desk
  • Nursing/rest room

The list is not complete.

5.1 Extended time in connection with written examinations with invigilation

Students who due to illness, use of medication or other reasons have reduced working capacity, may upon application be granted up to 25 % extended time, limited up to 1 hour when the need is documented. The documentation must clearly state the need for extended time in connection with a written examination with invigilation.  As a general rule, OsloMet grants ½ hour extended time in connection with examinations lasting up to 3 hours and 1 hour extended time in connection with examinations with a duration of 4 hours or more.

5.2 Extended time in connection with written examinations without invigilation

Students who due to illness, use of medication or other reasons have reduced working capacity, may upon application be granted up to 25 % extended time in connection with written examinations without invigilation lasting up to one week. Extended time is limited up to 48 hours including public holidays. The documentation must clearly state the need for extended time in connection with the written examination without invigilation.

5.3 Use of computers and reading and writing software

Students with chronic or acute illness may upon application be granted the use of computer in connection with written examinations with invigilation. The documentation must clearly state the need for a computer. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that he/she has sufficient knowledge of the equipment and/or software. The student is also responsible for taking sufficient back-up copies of the examination answer paper.

5.4 Felt pen/pencil

Students with tendinitis or other muscle and skeleton problems may upon application be granted use of felt pen or pencil in connection with a written examination with invigilation. The documentation must clearly state the need for using a pen/pencil. If a candidate has been using a felt pen or pencil, the examination coordinator will take the necessary copies of the answer paper.

5.5 Certificate in connection with reading and writing difficulties (dyslexia)

Students with reading and writing difficulties may be given an anonymous certificate that confirms their difficulties enclosed with the answer paper. The student is responsible for enclosing a copy of the certificate in each individual case. The certificate for students with reading and writing difficulties may be obtained upon application for special examination arrangements.

5.6 Having the question paper/answer paper read aloud

Students with visual impairment or dyslexia may upon application be granted to have the question paper and/or answer paper read aloud. The examination invigilator will read the question paper/answer paper aloud outside the examination premises. The documentation must clearly state the need for this special arrangement.

5.7 Swivel chair and height adjustable desks

Students with neck or back problems and students with the need to stand up and move around during the examination may upon application be granted the use of a swivel chair and/or a height adjustable desk. The documentation must clearly state the need for this special arrangement.

5.8 Nursing and rest room

Students who need to breast feed or rest during a written examination with invigilation may upon application be granted the use of a nursing or rest room. The documentation must clearly state the need for this special arrangement.