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Guidelines for Processing Applications Regarding Academic Recognition and Exemption of Higher Education Qualifications at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

Guidelines for Processing Applications Regarding Academic Recognition and Exemption of Higher Education Qualifications at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

This document is a translation of a legally binding document originally written in Norwegian. If a dispute arises as to the interpretation of this document, the Norwegian version takes precedence.

Approved by the Academic Affairs Committee at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (now: OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, henceforth: OsloMet), 1 November 2012 in accordance with Act of 1 April 2005 no. 15 Relating to Universities and University Colleges § 3-5 and Regulations Regarding Academic Recognition of Norwegian Higher Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Research 10 April 2006, now repealed and replaced by Regulations Regarding Academic Recognition and Exemption of Norwegian Higher Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Research 21 December 2018. The guidelines went into force from the date of approval by the Academic Affairs Committee.


These guidelines apply to the processing of applications regarding academic recognition and exemption of higher education qualifications both from institutions subject to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges and institutions not subject to the Act.

Academic recognition of Norwegian higher education qualifications

2-1 Main rule

Completed courses, subjects, examinations or tests from an institution subject to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges or a previous institution which now forms part of an institution subject to the Act, are granted the same number of credits or nominal length of study (in accordance with “the principle of time parity”) when recognised as part of an examination, degree or study programme at OsloMet. Recognition requires that the specific academic requirements for the examination, degree or study programme in question are met.

In order to be recognised as part of an examination, degree or study programme at OsloMet, the education must have been granted formal accreditation or other official approval as higher education by a relevant authority at the time it was completed. Previous education without formal accreditation or other official approval may nevertheless be recognised if this was recommended by the former National Coordinating Commission for Recognition of Studies (NKU) under the cooperative body Universities Norway (UHR), or if this has been recommended by UHR itself, cf. section 2-4.

2-2 Recognition with reduction of credits

Academic recognition in accordance with “the principle of time parity”, cf. section 2-1, does not apply to previous education at undergraduate level with a nominal length of study of three years or less, which was recognised with a reduction of credits in the former degree system (Cand.Mag. Degree), cf. Regulations Regarding Academic Recognition and Exemption of Norwegian Higher Education § 6 [1].

This applies to the following education programmes:


  • Three-year engineering programme from a former technical school, which equals 120 credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • One-year and two-year engineering programme in accordance with a special curriculum for technicians with tertiary vocational technical education, which equals 60 and 120 credits respectively in a bachelor’s degree;
  • Two-year education from technical schools before the restructuring in the 1960’s, which does not give credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Occupational therapy

  • Two-year occupational therapy programme, which equals 90 credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • Three-year occupational therapy programme according to curricula preceding the provisional national curriculum of 1986, which equals 120 credits in a bachelor’s degree.


  • Two-year physiotherapy programme, which equals 90 credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • Two and a half-year physiotherapy programme, which equals 120 credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • Two-year further education programme in psychiatric and psychosomatic physiotherapy and in manual therapy, which equal 60 credits in a bachelor’s degree.


  • Three-year radiography programme according to curricula preceding the national curriculum of 1987, which equals 120 credits in a bachelor’s degree.


  • Three-year nursing programme according to regulations of 1975 and earlier, which equals 60 credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • Three-year nursing programme according to the” Wolan curriculum” 1975–1984, which equals 90 credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • Three-year nursing programme according to the national curriculum of 1980, which equals 90 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Social Education

  • Three-year social education programme according to curriculum preceding the national curriculum of 1989, used on probational basis from 1987, which equals 90 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Educational theory and practice

  • Half-year programme in educational theory and practice, which does not give credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • Half-year programme in educational theory and practice for vocational teachers, which does not give credits in a bachelor’s degree;
  • One-year programme in educational theory and practice from universities and specialised university institutions according to the national curriculum of 1992, which equals 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree;

  • One-year programme in educational theory and practice for vocational teachers according to the national curriculum of 1994, which equals 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Maritime education

  • Two-year maritime education leading to a certificate, including programme in electronics/automation according to curriculum preceding the new curriculum structure of 1988, which gives credits in a bachelor's degree according to recommendations from the former National Coordinating Commission for Recognition of Studies (NKU)

Music conservatory education

  • Music conservatory education with examinations taken before 1980, which gives credits in a bachelor's degree according to recommendations from the former National Coordinating Commission for Recognition of Studies (NKU).

The former Sør-Trøndelag University College, education from the former Statens næringsmiddeltekniske høgskole

  • Education according to curriculum preceding the provisional national curriculum of 1987, which does not give any credits in a bachelor's degree;
  • Three-year programme according to the provisional national curriculum of 1987, which equals 120 credits in a bachelor's degree.

The former Stavanger University College, Avdeling Norsk hotellhøgskole

  • Two-year administrative programme according to curriculum of 1983, which equals 60 credits in a bachelor's degree.

2-3 Recognition of “Examen Philosphicum”, “Examen Facultatum”, etc.

“Examen Philosophicum” and “Examen Facultatum” or other preliminary faculty examination (Preliminary examination in general phonetics and linguistics, the studies of the humanities, or social science methodology) give credits as follows in a bachelor's degree:

  • “Examen Philosophicum” and “Examen Facultatum” completed in the autumn semester 2003 or later give credits according to transcript of academic records.
  • “Examen Philosophicum” completed between the autumn semester 1998 and the spring semester 2003 equals 15 credits.
  • “Examen Philosophicum” completed no later than the spring semester 1998 equals 30 credits.
  • “Examen Facultatum” or other preliminary faculty examination completed no later than the spring semester 2003 equals 15 credits.
  • “Examen Philosophicum” in combination with “Examen Facultatum” or other preliminary faculty examination, together equal 30 credits when both were completed no later than the spring semester 2003. This also applies to such combinations when “Examen Philosophicum” was completed in the spring semester 1998 or earlier.

“Examen Philosophicum” or a combination of “Examen Philosophicum” and “Examen Facultatum” or other preliminary faculty examination will not be accepted as the compulsory study programme, 

subject or course group of minimum 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree pursuant to § 2-3 f, subsection one, letter c) in the Regulations Relating to Studies and Examinations at OsloMet.

2-4 Recognition of former Norwegian education without formal accreditation or other official approval

2-4-1 Recommendations regarding recognition from the former National Coordinating Commission for Recognition of Studies (NKU)

Education from a Norwegian institution which was not granted formal accreditation or official approval by a relevant authority at the time, gives credits in a bachelor’s degree in accordance with recommendations from the former National Coordinating Commission for Recognition of Studies (NKU) under the cooperative body Universities Norway (UHR) [2].

2-4-2 Further education programmes in Nursing

Further education programmes in nursing offered at hospitals before the programmes were subject to national curricula and transferred to the university colleges in 1999/2000, give credits in accordance with the following recommendations from the cooperative body Universities Norway (UHR): [3].

Further Education Programme in Nurse Anaesthetist

  • Programme starting in 1980 and later gives 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree.
  • Programme based on education plan from the Norwegian Nurses Organisation (NSF) from 1989 gives 60 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Further Education Programme in Paediatric Nursing

  • Programme starting in 1980 and later gives 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree.
  • Programme based on education plan from the Norwegian Nurses Organisation (NSF) from 1990 gives 60 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Further Education Programme in Intensive Care Nursing

  • Programme starting in 1980 and later gives 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree.
  • Programme based on education plan from the Norwegian Nurses Organisation (NSF) from 1989 gives 60 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Further Education Programme in Theatre Nursing

  • Programme starting in 1980 and later gives 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree.
  • Programme based on education plan from the Norwegian Nurses Organisation (NSF) from 1989 gives 60 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

Further Education Programme in Cancer Nursing

  • Further Education Programme in Cancer Nursing, prior to the National Curriculum of 1999, gives 30 credits in a bachelor’s degree.

3. Exemption from parts of a study programme

Exemption from parts of a study programme at OsloMet may be granted on the basis of other completed examinations or tests. Documentation of prior learning and work experience may also provide the basis for exemption.

For the engineering programmes at OsloMet, the provisions regarding exemption in the National Curriculum Regulations for Engineering Education § 5, also apply.

4. Academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications

Foreign education qualifications applied to be recognised as academically equivalent to a degree or study programme at OsloMet, or applied to form the basis for exemption from parts of a study programme at the University, must be accredited or officially approved as higher education, and the institution providing the education must have obtained accreditation or official approval.

Foreign higher education forming part of the Higher Education Entrance Qualification to Norwegian universities and university colleges, in accordance with the National Regulations Regarding Admission to Higher Education, will normally not be recognised as part of a degree or study programme at OsloMet. The general admission requirements for applicants with foreign education qualifications are laid down in the GSU list [4]. Foreign higher education exceeding the minimum requirements specified in the GSU list for the country in question, will normally be recognised in accordance with “the principle of time parity”, cf. the next paragraph.

Previous professions-oriented degree or education from abroad will normally be recognised with the same number of credits as the corresponding Norwegian education from the same time, cf. section 2-2, provided that the extent and level of the foreign education is considered equivalent to the Norwegian education at the time in question. 

Other foreign education qualifications are recognised in line with any national guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Education and Research or the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), general recognition granted by NOKUT or recommendations given by the former National Academic Information Centre (NAIC) under the former Norway Network Council.

5. Documentation requirements

The applicant is responsible for submitting documentation of education qualifications which are applied to be granted academic recognition or form the basis for exemption at OsloMet.

The education qualifications must be documented by certified copies of diplomas/certificates and transcripts of academic records. OsloMet may require that the original documents are presented for verification.

Normally, applications regarding academic recognition and exemption must also be documented by programme descriptions and/or course descriptions, reading lists etc., showing the contents, extent and level of the education and the individual parts of the education. If possible, the documentation should also state the learning outcomes the student/candidate has achieved.

Foreign education must be documented by diplomas/certificates and transcripts of academic records both in the original language and in translation. Translations should normally be in English or a Scandinavian language. Translations must be carried out by a government authorised translator.

OsloMet and the individual Faculties may draw up forms or templates to be used when applying for academic recognition of education qualifications and exemption from parts of study programmes at the University, stating specific documentation requirements.


[1] The present regulations continue the special rules relating to recognition that were laid down in the former regulations regarding recognition of degrees, professions-oriented education, educational programmes, subject or course from an institution subject to the Act Relating to Universities and University Colleges as part of a Cand.Mag. Degree, approved by the Ministry of Education and Research 28 October 1998. These regulations were repealed 10 April 2006.

[2] NKU’s list of recommendations dated 1 October 1995 with a supplementary list of recommendations distributed with letter from the cooperative body Universities Norway (UHR) dated 1 April 1996.

[3] Letter from the cooperative body Universities Norway (UHR) dated 15 May 2001 to UHR’s member institutions regarding credits assessment for previous further education programmes in nursing given at hospitals.

[4] The GSU list is available at Norwegian directorate for higher education and skills (