Reglement for leie av lokaler for studentforeninger | Regelverk - Student

Regulations for the hire of premises for student associations

Regulations for the hire of premises for student associations

Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) lends premises to approved and registered student associations subject to the following criteria.

Rules for lending and hiring out premises at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)

Adopted by the University College Director on 31 January 2013.

  1. To the extent that premises at OsloMet's disposal are not booked for teaching or other activities under the auspices of the university, institutions, organisations and individuals can borrow or hire premises for events that fall within the university`s core activity area, provided that the use cannot be said to come into conflict with OsloMet's values or objectives. Premises can also be hired out to commercial parties, but only if their activities do not compete with the university or in conflict with its values or objectives. The Director for Digitalisation and Infrastructure shall decide in cases of doubt.
  2. Premises cannot be booked during teaching periods until it is absolutely clear that the university will not be using them. The Department of Academic Affairs sets annual deadlines.
  3. Premises can be lent to educational organisations that are entitled to free premises in public buildings for credit-bearing study activities under the Act on Adult Education.
  4. Otherwise, premises shall normally be hired out for payment. The university's expenses relating to security personnel, cleaning, clearing up and use of equipment must always be covered.
  5. Written agreements setting out the responsibilities of the parties must be signed for all lending and hiring out of premises.
  6. Enquiries regarding borrowing/hiring of premises are considered by the Course and Conference Centre, if relevant in consultation with the faculty in question or the Department of Academic Affairs. Lending/hiring out of special-purpose rooms requires an agreement with the faculty in question. The Department of Facilities Management ensures that agreements are in place.
  7. Approved student associations at OsloMet can be allowed to use university premises without paying, see the Guidelines for student associations that use premises at OsloMet.

Guidelines for Student Associations that use Premises at OsloMet

  1. On application, approved student associations can be allowed to use OsloMet premises for study and student activities without paying rent. 
  2. Student associations that wish to use OsloMet's premises must submit an application to the Course and Conference Centre no later than two weeks before the event.
  3. Teaching premises cannot be booked during teaching periods until it is absolutely clear that the university will not be using them. The Department of Academic Affairs sets annual deadlines
  4. Events organised by student associations should primarily target OsloMet students. If an event is open to outsiders, they should not make up the majority of the participants.
  5. Student associations cannot borrow premises to sub-let them to private individuals, organisations or commercial enterprises outside the university.
  6. It is the responsibility of lessees to familiarise themselves with and comply with OsloMet's regulations. Breach of the hire agreement or regulations can result in cancellation of the event and annulment of the hire agreement.