Have you experienced unwanted attention or harassment in any way as a student at OsloMet?
OsloMet has a zero tolerance policy for harassment. No one at the university - neither students nor employees - should ever have to be exposed to unwanted sexual attention or sexual harassment. How do you proceed if you experience this anyway? And what kind of behaviour are we referring to?
What is unwanted attention and sexual harassment?
- Unwanted sexual attention
- Perceived as uncomfortable for the person receiving attention
- If there is an imbalance in the relationship of strength or power, the situation if more severe. E.g. the relationship between a supervisor and a student.
Who determines whether the sexual attention is unwanted?
It is the recipient of the attention who determines whether it is undesirable. There are no requirements of purpose or intention of the sender.
What can I do?
Write down what has happened. Describe the incident(s), time and place and how you reacted.
- Tell the alleged harasser as soon as possible - if possible (verbally or in writing)
- Talk to someone you trust and explain what has happened
These may be contacted
- Contact the student ombudsperson by phone, email or stop by the office.
- Advisors and the Student welfare Organisation, SiO.
- The university chaplain
- OsloMet whistleblowing channel
What happens when I notify?
- You should always get a confirmation that the notification has been received within 2 weeks of sending.
- The head of the whistleblowing commission decides if and how the case should be followed up. For example if it should be processed in the department or at the faculty level. The whistleblowing commission’s secretariat advises the managers on how to follow up the matter.
- The follow-up will vary depending on the gravity and nature of the case. As a whistle-blower, you will not necessarily get access to the case documents, but you will be notified of the outcome when the case has been terminated.
- The case can be terminated at any point if the commission finds that there are no censurable conditions.
- If the case is taken up for processing, a report will be drawn up and sent to the principal, the whistle-blower and the person(s) notified on.
Will the person I notify on be informed about it?
If the case is followed up, the alleged harasser should in theory be informed of its content in order to get the opportunity to present his / her case. However, for the sake of further processing, it may happen that the alleged harasser is not informed about the notification.
Your identity as a whistle-blower will not be disclosed unless necessary for the case processing.
Once the case has been processed, the alleged harasser will be informed of the notification, regardless of the outcome of the case.
Legislation and resources
- Act relating to Universities and University Colleges, section 4-3 (pdf)
- The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act, section 13
- The Working Environment Act, section 4-3 (applies to students on practical training)
- The equality and anti-discrimination ombudsman
- Guidelines on harassment and bullying (ansatt.oslomet.no)