Fadderuke Kjeller - Student

Buddy program - Kjeller

Buddy program - Kjeller

Buddy program for new students at campus Kjeller

Welcome to the Buddy program for new students at

  • Bachelor i psykologi ved atferdsendring
  • Bachelor i sykepleie
  • Bachelor i vernepleie
  • Trafikklærerutdanning
  • Yrkesfaglærerutdanning - gjelder alle bachelorprogram

Important information

  • As a new student, you’re automatically assigned a Buddy group. You do not have to sign up. Activities are not mandatory, but we recommend joining!
  • If Buddy activities collide with mandatory classes, always make going to class your priority.
  • In the event of any changes to this activity plan, your Buddy will keep you updated.
  • Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact the buddy association or the contact person of each day (see program under)

This program is only in Norwegian.