Griffith University

Exchange for Master's Programme in Health Sciences - specialisation in Public Health Nutrition

Brisbane, Australia

Tuition fees


Language of instruction / Working language

About the study place

How do I apply?

It is important that you read the information carefully before applying.

What can I study at Griffith University?

An internastional coordinator at the Faculty of Health Sciences can assist you picking the right alternatives and with your course selection.

Couse offer at Griffith University (griffith.edu.au)

Please choose courses at either Nathan Campus or Gold Coast Campus.

Language requirements


You must have the grade 4 in English from upper secondary school. Please note that your graduation diploma cannot be older than five years at the start of the semester. You must otherwise take a TOEFL or IELTS test (Ansa.no) or be able to document your English skills in another manner.   

When can I travel and how long can I study?

You can go on exchange at one of OsloMet's partner institutions during the entire 3th semester (30 ECTS), if you decide to write a 30 ECTS master's thesis (rather than 50 ECTS). 

Grade requirements

This institution requires that you have an average grade of D or better. 

Do I have to pay tuition fees?

One semester costs approx 9501,00.

Yes. The stated price is for one semester fulltime studies at undergraduate-level. (2023). This includes a 10% discount for OsloMet students, and covers 40-50 credits. The price may vary slightly for master degree students.

Do you have any questions?

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