Nordic Centre in India

Exchange for Master's Degree Programme - Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 5-10

New Delhi, India

Tuition fees


Subject choice / specialisation

About the study place

How do I apply?

It is important that you read the information carefully before applying.

What can I study at Nordic Centre in India?

Practice placement incl. self studies. 

Language requirements

You must take a TOEFL or IELTS test (Ansa.no)

When can I travel and how long can I study?

6th semester

Grade requirements

This institution requires that you have an average grade of C or better. 

Do I have to pay tuition fees?

Tuition fees for the "Semester program" (one semester at one of NCI's partner universities) will vary according to which university you are applying for. Please expect to pay approx. 4000 USD per semester + additional fees for excursions and orientation seminar.

Do you have any questions?

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