University of Oregon


Eugene , USA

Number of students


A full academic year consists of 3 "terms": Fall term, Winter term and Spring term. Winter and Spring together corresponds to the OsloMet spring semester.

Bachelor's level: Full time undergraduate studies at UO is usually 12-15 credits per term. The conversion from UO credits to ECTS implies that you must take a minimum of 22.5 credits at UO to be awarded 30 ECTS at OsloMet, and 45 credits to be awarded 60 ECTS. It is not possible to obtain enough credits in the Fall term only. Bachelor students therefore have two options:

  1. You can travel in the spring semester and take Winter term and Spring term (12 + 12 credits). 
    (Please note that visa regulations require a minimum of 12 credits per term and you will therefore need a minimum of 24 credits, not 22.5 which is theoretically the requirement from OsloMet's side).
  2. You can take the entire academic year abroad, Fall, Winter and Spring terms (15+15+15 credits).

Master's level: Full time graduate studies at UO is usually 9-12 credits per term. The conversion from UO credits to ECTS implies that you must take 18 credits at UO to be awarded 30 ECTS at OsloMet, and 36 credits to be awarded 60 ECTS.

Semester division

Fall term: September—December
Winter term: January—March
Spring term: March—June


This institution offers student accommodation 

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