Politiattest | Praksis - Student

How do I get a certificate of good conduct?

How do I get a certificate of good conduct?

Find out how to apply for a criminal record certificate and where and when to hand it in.

Download application form (politi.no).

  • What does the police look for?

    The police will check your entries in the criminal records. This implies that they check whether or not you have remarks in the criminal records that are relevant for your study programme. Only relevant remarks will be included on the certificate. The certificate is mentioned in the Norwegian Criminal Records Act § 39 (1) and refers to remarks relating to violations of the Criminal Code:

    • Charges, prosecution, accepted writs or convictions relating to violations of the Criminal Code §§162, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, § 200 subsection two, § 201 subsection one, letter c, §§ 201a, 203, 204a, 219, 224, § 229 second and third sentencing alternative, §§ 231, 233 and 268 cf. 267.
    • Violations of the Criminal Code §§ 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, § 200 subsection two, § 201 subsection one, letter c, §§ 201a, 204a and 233 shall be commented in accordance with § 41 no. 1, i.e. that a remark relating to violations of these stipulations will not be deleted.
    • Violations of the Criminal Code §§ 162, 203, 219, 224, § 229 second and third sentencing alternative, §§ 231 and 268 cf. 267 shall be commented in accordance with § 40, i.e. a regular criminal record certificate.
  • When is the deadline for submitting the certificate of good conduct?

    If there are no remarks on your certificate, you must submit the certificate as soon as possible after the start of your studies and before your practical training/clinical practice commences. Certain study programmes have practical/clinical training early in the first semester. Therefore, order the certificate as soon as possible.

    If there are remarks on your certificate, you must contact the administration at your studies the moment you get admission.

    The certificate of good conduct may not be older than three months.

    NOTE: Applicants who have been granted admission and have relevant remarks on their certificate must submit the certificate within the deadline to accept the offer of admission. The Appeals’ Committee at the relevant educational institution will decide any decisions relating to suspension.

  • What happens if I do not submit the certificate of good conduct within the deadline?

    You will not be able to begin your practical/clinical training before the certificate is submitted. If you have not submitted the certificate within the deadline, your progression of study may be delayed. If you do not submit the certificate, you will be suspended from practical /clinical training and you will not be able to complete your studies.

    For how long is the certificate of good conduct valid?

    The certificate is valid as long as you are a student at the relevant study programme. If changes occur, you will have to submit a new certificate.

  • Where do I submit the certificate of good conduct?

    1. After you have received your criminal record certificate in Digipost, you must forward it to OsloMet's digital mailbox.
    2. In the digital letter containing your criminal record certificate, press "forward in Digipost". Can't find a button for forwarding on mobile? Try on PC/Mac.
    3. Then search for "OsloMet police certificates" and send. Note that you may have to press send twice (first the message is sent, then the document). We will contact you if we do not receive your police certificate.

    If you have a paper certificate:

  • Regulations

    Requirements for a certificate of good conduct is laid down in  the Norwegian Regulations Concerning Admission to Higher Education (Available in Norwegian only).

    If you have remarks on your certificate in accordance with the regulations above, the case will be processed in a national committee. The committee will decide whether or not a student will be able to complete his/her studies.