MAME4530 Nutrition and Human Rights Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Ernæring og menneskerettigheter
Study programme
Master i samfunnsernæring
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Programme description
Course history

Required preliminary courses

Students who are admitted to Master studies within the following subject areas are eligible to apply for admission to the course: nutrition, health sciences, environmental studies, development studies, agriculture/food production, law, political science, anthropology, sociology and interdisciplinary master programmes involving any of these subject areas. 

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student will have obtained the following learning outcomes, defined as knowledge, skills and general competencies:


The student  

  • has advanced knowledge about the historical development of the international human rights system and the right to food "movement".
  • has advanced knowledge about the key international human rights instruments, institutions, mechanisms and procedures relevant to economic, social and cultural rights, especially those pertaining to food, nutrition and health.
  • has advanced knowledge about the content of the right to adequate food and the right to health and corresponding obligations of the state in promoting and protecting such rights.
  • has thorough knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of non-state actors (civil society; international organizations; private sector) in what regards the protection, promotion and fulfilment of such rights.
  • has thorough knowledge of important tools and critical issues for implementing the right to adequate food in a national context, as well as methods for monitoring and evaluation of human rights implementation.


The student   

  • can analyse and discuss the value-added of a human rights based approach to assessment, analysis and action, both nationally and internationally.
  • can analyse and discuss the role of the right to food in a globalizing world, including contemporary issues such as economic globalization; the role of businesses and their impact on human rights; climate change; and food insecurity.
  • can analyse and discuss the links between good/democratic governance and the right to food.
  • can analyse and discuss the human rights dimensions of international development targets, such as the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • can analyse country situations, particular groups and specific themes where human rights perspectives to adequate food have been applied. 

General competencies

The student  

  • can apply the knowledge and skills on human rights in project assessment, implementation and evaluation using the relevant terminology, key concepts and principles. 


The course provides an overview of the right to adequate food in the context of the promotion and protection of the international human rights. The course focuses especially on the relevance of human rights for food security, nutrition and health. The course further discusses the relationships between right-holders and duty-bearers, and especially obligations of the State in respecting, protecting and fulfilling the right to adequate food and nutrition-related health for all. The opportunities, constraints and future challenges to applying a rights-based approach to food and nutrition in development in contemporary globalization will be discussed, and how this can be translated into action in selected countries, and by international institutions.

Teaching and learning methods

Training/learning includes lectures, seminars and interactive group work and discussions. The course sets special demands to independent reading and critical use of internet. The core staff will be supplemented with external lecturers. The possibility for including a study tour is being considered.

Course requirements

Group assignment (2-3 students per group) with an oral presentation.


Written exam, in English, individual, 4 hours. The exam text is given in English.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

A graded scale from A to F where A to E represents passes and F represents a fail.


Internal and external examiner