University of Cape Town

Exchange for Bachelor Programme in Art and Design

Rondebosch, South Africa

Tuition fees


Language of instruction / Working language
Subject choice / specialisation
Art and dissemination

About the study place

How do I apply?

It is important that you read the information carefully before applying.

What can I study at University of Cape Town?

Language requirements


UCT requires an IELTS eller TOEFL-test (ansa.no), but can accept grade 5 in English from upper secondary school. Here (uct.ac.za) you can read more about requirements for English skills and results on language tests.  If you need to sign up for a language test, we recommend that you do so as soon as possible, at the latest when you are offered to go on an exchange.

When can I travel and how long can I study?

You can go in your 4 semester.

Grade requirements

This institution requires that you have an average grade of C or better, but we recommend you have a B average.

Do I have to pay tuition fees?

One semester costs approx 7800,00.

Yes. The price is stated in US dollars. Prices might vary from one course to another. Prices are adjusted on an annual basis.

Please bear in mind that other costs might occur, such as an application fee. 

Read more about costs and funding 

Do you have any questions?

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