Play, movement, nature and outdoor education – Nordic Childhoods Programme description

Programme name, Norwegian
Play, movement, nature and outdoor education – Nordic Childhoods
Valid from
2024 FALL
ECTS credits
20 ECTS credits
3 semesters
Here you can find an example schedule for first year students.
Programme history


The course is organized as a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) module where students from OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University and Gallaudet University (in the USA) participate. The course topics will be taught as weekly activities that includes use of digital learning tools as well as online interaction and cooperation in both international sign and written English between students from both universities.

The language of instruction and interaction among students is International Sign. Variants of international sign is also used in the video resources. All reading materials and written course resources are in English. No interpreting between any (spoken or signed) languages will be provided, since a part of the learning outcome is to obtain skills to communicate in international sign.

Content and structure

Opptakskravet er fullført bachelorgrad eller treårig grunnutdanning i sosialt arbeid, barnevern, vernepleie, sykepleie eller psykologi.

Opptak skjer i henhold til Forskrift om opptak til studier ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.


Det gis 1 tilleggspoeng for søkere med grunnutdanning i barnevern og sosialt arbeid.

Det gis tilleggspoeng (maksimalt 1) for relevant praksis ut over opptaksgrunnlaget. Relevant praksis er erfaring fra helse- og sosialfeltet.

Det gis tilleggspoeng (maksimalt 1) for relevant tilleggsutdanning utover opptaksgrunnlaget. Relevant utdanning er emner fra sosialfaglige, utdanningsvitenskapelige og helsevitenskapelige fag.

Alle søkere blir rangert på grunnlag av den totale poengsummen.


Det må fremlegges politiattest ved opptak til studiet. Politiattesten leveres ved studiestart.

Optional course Spans multiple semesters

1st year of study