TAB2200 Professionality – Working Environment and Quality Assurance Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Profesjonalitet - Arbeidsmiljø og kvalitetssikring
Study programme
Bachelor Programme in Dental Technology
5.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Language of instruction: Norwegian

This course comprises topics that form the basis for responsible business operations of a dental technology enterprise. Internal control is about working systematically to ensure that an enterprise complies with the requirements set out in applicable laws and regulations. ***European legislation/Regulations relating to individually adapted medical appliances, constitute the most important laws and regulations in this field in addition to the Working Environment Act. Quality assurance is about measures, procedures and systems intended to ensure that products and services meet internal business and professional quality requirements. The course also contains learning outcomes in innovation. Innovation means creating or making something new that contributes to an improved solution, and it can mean everything from product development to the introduction of a new service, process or form of organisation. Innovation is often research-based, but can also be based on established knowledge that is combined in new ways or used in new contexts. An improved service or value creation is implicit in the concept of innovation.

Required preliminary courses

Passed first year of the programme or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence


The student

  • can explain legislation applicable to dental technology operations, scope, aims, responsibilities and duties, as regulated by ***Eureopean legislation/Regulations relating to individually adapted medical appliances
  • can assess the risk of undesirable incidents relating to dental materials, production equipment and processes during the production of prosthetic structures and is familiar with the methods for following this up in a systematic manner
  • can explain the connection between quality assurance, documentation, traceability, HSE and internal control related to dental technology operations
  • can explain employers’ and employees’ obligations, requirements concerning HSE work and the working environment as regulated in the Working Environment Act.
  • is familiar with the meaning of the concept innovation and factors that can affect and trigger development and innovation in dental technology
  • is familiar with laws and regulations that apply to their own field and what constitutes a responsible division of tasks and responsibilities in the dental health team
  • is familiar with the discipline's history, traditions and distinctive nature and place in society
  • is familiar with the importance of a sustainable environment


The student can

  • carry out secure administration of patient information and record keeping
  • develop procedures for HSE work and plan measures to limit health risks in dental technology laboratories
  • develop procedures for procurements, production, complaints processing and waste handling that meet statutory and professional requirements
  • discuss innovation needs and challenges from a dental health perspective with sustainability and environmental concerns in mind

General competence

The student can

  • master relevant dental technical procedures and laboratory equipment in a responsible manner that ensures safety and production precision
  • assess whether his/her own work complies with the authorities’ provisions regarding the production of individually adapted medical appliances.
  • reflect on ethical issues, demonstrate ethical action competence, and identify conflicts of values in professional dental health practice

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods include lectures and seminars under supervision. The flipped classroom method is used. Digital and/or analogue resources will be made available to the students in advance, and the time they spend at the university will be used to work on assignments and group work under supervision.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

  • a minimum attendance of 80 % at seminars and organised group work.


Home exam in groups of 2-3 students based on a case. Either one written assignment of 1,500 words (+/- 10 per cent) or an audio file/video/podcast of up to 15 minutes in accordance with set criteria.

Resits/rescheduled exam: A student who fails the ordinary exam can submit a reworked version once as a resit.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


One external examiner will quality assure the exam questions. Two internal examiners will assess all exams.

Overlapping courses

5 credits overlap with the course TANN2200 Business Studies.