STRÅL6110 Radiobiology and Treatment Planning in Radiotherapy Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Strålebiologi og behandlingsplanlegging i stråleterapi
Study programme
Further Education in Radiotherapy
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The course focuses on radiobiology and radiation effects on tumours/normal tissue as the basis for treatment planning in radiotherapy. The course includes dose planning and assessment of dose distribution as well as fixation, simulation and quality assurance of the planned radiotherapy.

Scope of the course: 15 credits

  • Radiobiology: 6 credits
  • Treatment planning: 3 credits
  • quality assurance:1 credits
  • Practical radiotherapy: 5 credits

Recommended preliminary courses

Students who are to take the exam in the course should have relevant prior knowledge of radiation physics and oncology.

Required preliminary courses

Admission to the programme

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


 The student

  • can explain radiobiological effects at the molecular and cellular level
  • can explain the effect of ionising radiation on normal tissue and tumour tissue
  • can explain the biological aspects and radiobiology models that form the basis for the planning and delivery of radiotherapy
  • can give an account of and discuss margin, target volume and high-risk organ definitions
  • can describe and discuss treatment principles and techniques in radiotherapy
  • can explain criteria and tools for assessing dose distribution
  • can give an account of and assess recommendations and guidelines relating to treatment planning
  • can explain quality control, procedures and documentation of planning and treatment


The student

  • can use knowledge of topographic anatomy and different image modalities in treatment planning and quality assurance
  • can justify the choice of fixation method, patient position and treatment technique
  • can analyse and critically assess volumes and margins in radiotherapy
  • has practical skills in treatment planning and radiotherapy
  • can analyse and critically assess different choices and considerations made during the planning phase to assess the treatment plan based on given assessment criteria
  • can assess the biological effects of radiotherapy on tumours, high-risk organs and normal tissue, and justify the choice of fractionation pattern

General competence

The student

  • can discuss and analyse problems relating to radiobiology and treatment planning in radiotherapy
  • can apply knowledge of and skills in science and oncology to issues relating to treatment plans and planning
  • can justify choices and assessments made in connection with the quality assurance of radiotherapy
  • can demonstrate insight into and identify ethical issues in connection with treatment planning in radiotherapy

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods used are lectures, self-study, workshops, group and project work, as well as skills training under supervision.

Course requirements

The following required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • minimum 80 per cent attendance in skills training, workshops and scheduled group and project work


Combined exam consisting of two parts:

1. Individual project assignment, 3,000 words (+/- 20%)

2. Supervised individual written exam, 3 hours

One overall grade is awarded. The two exam parts count equally towards the grade. Both parts must be passed (A-E) in order to pass the exam. If the written exam is awarded an F, it must be retaken. If the project assignment is awarded an F, the student is given one more chance to submit a reworked version for the exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Part 1: All aids are permitted.

Part 2: Calculator

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


An external and internal examiner will assess all exams.