SOS2110 Social work with children, youth, families and groups Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Sosialt arbeid med barn, ungdom, familier og grupper
Study programme
Bachelor Programme in Social Work
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2023
Course history


This course is based on key topics from SOS1110 Introduction to social work. The students will learn about the core areas of social work, focusing on interactions between people and their surroundings. The student will gain knowledge of the knowledge base of social work, and of the theories and key theory of science perspectives in social work. Emphasis is placed on research-based teaching and knowledge at the individual, group and societal level, but the main focus is on group work as a method in social work. The course also provides knowledge of perspectives on social problems and how social problems in interactions affect people’s life situations.

Required preliminary courses

Students must have completed and passed the first year of the Bachelor’s Programme in Social Work.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student:  

  • has broad knowledge of theoretical perspectives in social work at the individual and group level
  • has broad knowledge of social work with children, families and groups
  • has knowledge of the rights of Sami children, as an indigenous people, to grow up with the Sami language and culture
  • has knowledge of the different positions in theory of science and views of knowledge in social work
  • has knowledge of ethical dilemmas relating to working with children and families 
  • has knowledge of local community work and political lobbying


The student:  

  • can use their knowledge and present the social mandate of social work orally and in writing
  • can use theory when analysing social problems involving children and families at different levels 
  • can use their knowledge to plan measures to prevent and handle social problems focusing on children and families in difficult life situations

General competence  

The student:  

  • can critically reflect on social work knowledge, values, attitudes and power perspectives in professional practice
  • can plan varied tasks based on user participation
  • can prepare a piece of academic work and present their professional knowledge orally and in writing
  • has insight into the socio-cultural and structural factors that affect family life.

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching methods vary between lectures, seminars and student-active learning methods.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

1. An individual written coursework requirement with a scope of 4 pages.

The assignment will be read and assessed by two fellow students before the lecturer assesses the assignment, with the fellow students’ comments enclosed, as either approved/not approved. The coursework requirement must be completed and approved by the given deadline in order for the student to take the exam. If the coursework is not approved the student will be given the opportunity to submit an improved version once by a given deadline.


An individual oral exam. Candidates who fail or who were absent from the ordinary exam for a valid reason can take a resit/rescheduled exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

No aids are permitted.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


Oral exam is assessed by one internal and one external examiner.

Course contact person

Signe Ylvisaker og Helene Petersen-Sveen