MESTD4810 Project development and research design Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Prosjektutvikling og forskningsdesign
Study programme
Master of Aesthetic Practices in Society - part time
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Gradert skala A-F.

Det gis én samlet karakter for del 1 og 2. De to delene vektes likt (50/50).

Required preliminary courses

Del 1 vurderes av to interne sensorer. Del 2 vurderes av to interne og én ekstern sensor.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence: 


The student:

  • has advanced knowledge of current research, scientific ways of thinking and relevant methods for investigating a limited academic topic
  • has in-depth knowledge of the development of research questions and how different research designs will affect the results of the study and contributions to the study field’s knowledge development
  • can evaluate different sources of knowledge and discuss relevant contemporary discourses related to the study field


The student:

  • can analyse and critically evaluate the state of knowledge, and also develop and justify research questions within a limited subject area
  • can develop research design into a feasible master’s project in accordance with current regulations, and justify research methodological choices
  • can assess methodological possibilities in own and others’ projects and how these influence choices in the research and writing process

General competences

The student:

  • contributes to peer review processes with constructive critique, discussion of choices and societal ethical perspectives on research.
  • can reflect on research ethical issues related to their own and other students’ master’s projects

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching consists of workshops, seminars, group assignments, lectures and some individual supervision. A high degree of independence is required in the work with the subject, and will create a clear awareness, clear choices and direction towards the master’s thesis.

Course requirements

To take the exam this work requirements has to be passed:

  • Visual outline of own research design presented in plenum to fellow students
  • Active participation in discussion of own and fellow students’ visual research design


Individual written assignment with a proposal for research design of own master’s project and anchoring of the topic in the research field. Scope: 2,500-3,000 words.

The exam result can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All support materials and equipment for examinations are permitted, as long as the rules for reference to sources are followed.

Grading scale



The exam is assessed by two internal examiners. External examiners are used regularly.

Overlapping courses

10 ECTS MEST4800, and 10 ECTS with MEST5900 and MESTD5900