MESTD4313 Research Theory and Method 2 Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Vitenskapsteori og forskningsmetode 2
Study programme
Master's Programme in Visual and Performing Arts - part-time
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


This course is a continuation of Research Theory and Method 1. It elucidates research methods and philosophy of science perspectives of relevance to the distinctive nature of the aesthetic field. The course emphasises the student analysing, assessing and using theoretical and practical elements in his/her own research process. In the course, the student will prepare a proposal for his/her own research design as a basis for the further work on the master’s thesis.

Recommended preliminary courses

The course MEST4312 or similar competence

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student:

  • is capable of applying knowledge of relevant philosophy of science perspectives in a delimited aesthetic field
  • is capable of analysing and assessing the theoretical and practical elements of the testing and research process
  • is capable of using and taking a critical approach to the use of sources and ethical assessments throughout the research processes


The student

  • is capable of using philosophy of science and methodology of relevance to a delimited aesthetic field in an independent manner
  • is capable of critically assessing research methodology choices in relation to different research questions
  • is capable of research methodology argumentation relating to a delimited aesthetic field
  • is capable of assessing and using different sources and research ethical standards in the research process
  • is capable of independent practical and theoretical work in the testing and research process


The student

  • is capable of working independently in his/her own field and masters the field's forms of expression
  • is capable of communicating with various target groups about professional issues and angles of discussion in the aesthetic fields
  • is capable of using knowledge and skills in the aesthetic fields to contribute to new ideas and innovation processes

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching methods vary between lectures given by both lecturers and guest lecturers. Students must actively participate in teaching and group work. The master’s programme is based on individual study with participation in groups, lectures and thematic workshops. Emphasis is placed on both theoretical and practical work as forms of study. Teaching will be in both Norwegian and English.

Course requirements



Individual oral presentation with written and visual reflection material.

The exam grade cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted.

Grading scale



Two internal examiners. External examiners are used regularly.

Course contact person

Lotta Johansson

Overlapping courses

Emnet overlapper 10 studiepoeng mot MEST4311.