MAMUS4100 Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions - Part 1 Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Fysioterapi for muskelskjelettskader, sykdommer og plager - del 1
Study programme
Master's Programme in Health Sciences - specialisation in Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Health
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2023
Course history


Language of instruction: Norwegian

This course covers more recent knowledge on the most common musculoskeletal injuries, illnesses and conditions (MSDs) in a life course perspective from childhood to old age. Teaching and learning activities are based on a knowledge-based practice model, which incorporates theoretical and research-based knowledge, clinical experience, the patient’s preferences and contextual factors. The course has an emphasis on the critical assessment of current examination and treatment methods, the organisation and quality of the health services and the role of physiotherapists in interdisciplinary cooperation and interaction. It will also include teaching of implementation methods of documented knowledge and on physiotherapy in the primary health services of the future, for example physiotherapists’ tasks as part of a follow-up or primary health team.

Required preliminary courses

The student must have been admitted to the Master’s Programme in Health Sciences and hold authorisation as a physiotherapist.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • can assess recent knowledge on the most common MSDs
  • can critically assess current examination and treatment methods, including the use of standardised instruments for the most common MSDs
  • can critically assess the organisation and quality of health services, and the role of physiotherapists in interdisciplinary cooperation and interaction
  • can describe knowledge on work and MSDs, and can critically assess current measures for promoting participation in working life and preventing long-term sickness absence
  • can describe implementation methods for well-documented knowledge


The student

  • can use the knowledge-based practice model to analyse the most common MSDs
  • can use and critically reflect on recent knowledge on the most common MSDs
  • can apply and critically reflect on the use of standardised instruments in clinical practice
  • can use and critically reflect on recent knowledge on work and musculoskeletal health
  • can implement well-documented knowledge in their professional practice

General competence

The student

  • can communicate up-to-date disciplinary knowledge to collaborative partners and the population at large
  • can contribute to improving the quality of today’s health services
  • can contribute to promoting participation in working life and preventing long-term sickness absence

Teaching and learning methods

The course will use varied student-active work methods such as lectures, flipped classroom, seminars, presentations, group work and self-study. Presentations at the seminars are important to support the learning process and communication skills after completion of the course. Teaching is organised as two one-week sessions on campus.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for a student to be permitted to take the examination:

  • group work in groups of two to three students with submission of a written assignment. Scope: 1,500 words (+/- 10%).
  • submission of written feedback on another group's assignment


Individual home examination over two weeks. Scope: 2,500 words (+/- 10%).

If the course is taught in English, students can also choose to write/conduct the examination in a Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Swedish or Danish).

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


Two examiners will assess all examination papers. At least 20% of the examination papers will be assessed by an external examiner. The external examiner’s assessment should benefit all students.

Overlapping courses

10 ECTS credits overlaps with MAFYS4000 Theoretical Basis and Evidence Based Practice in Physiotherapy 20 ECTS credits.