MAKRE4100 Nursing and Treatment for Patients with Cancer Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Sykepleie og behandling til pasienter med kreft
Study programme
Master's Programme in Health Sciences - specialisation in Nursing; Clinical Research and Professional Development
Master's Programme in Health Sciences - specialisation in Cancer Nursing
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


Language of instruction: Norwegian

The purpose of this course is for students to gain in-depth knowledge of the principles behind cancer treatment and to qualify them to provide advanced nursing care to patients during treatment. The subject provides a broad theoretical basis on various aspects of cancer, including its biological nature, disease development and the variety of available treatment methods. Central to the subject are the consequences of the treatment for the patient and relatives and how the cancer nurse can best approach and support the patient in this demanding situation. In addition to this, the subject contains a thorough review of how cancer nurses can incorporate the patient's and relatives' resources as well as their experience of illness and treatment. This includes an exploration of communication aspects as well as how one, as a cancer nurse, takes into account the patients' individual experiences, values and needs, and thus creates a comprehensive and adapted care plan.

Required preliminary courses

The student must have been admitted to the Master’s Programme in Health Sciences and hold authorisation as a general nurse.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge and skills:


The student

  • can analyze professional issues based on the history, traditions, uniqueness and place of cancer nursing in society
  • has advanced knowledge of key phenomena such as hope, quality of life and coping in cancer nursing
  • has advanced knowledge of key phenomena such as hope, quality of life and coping in cancer nursing
  • has advanced and specific knowledge of the development of cancer diseases, their pathophysiology and diagnosticscan give an account of treatment principles, including surgery, drug cancer treatment and radiotherapy in line with the development of knowledge
  • can independently describe pharmacological treatment relevant to patients with cancer, including pain management
  • can account for microbiology, risk of infection, development of sepsis, antibiotic use and infection control relevant to cancer nursing
  • has advanced and specific knowledge of side effects and consequences of cancer and treatment, including late effects
  • can discuss how the consequences of cancer and treatment can be prevented, alleviated and handled
  • can account for psychological reactions, spiritual, cultural and existential needs and reactions related to cancer in patients and relatives
  • can describe how age, mental health, multimorbidity and nutritional status affect health, cancer, choice of treatment and practice of cancer nursingcan assess crisis, loss and grief in patients and relatives related to cancer
  • can independently describe principles of communication with patients and their relatives
  • can give an account of person- and family-centred cancer nursing, including the reactions and needs of patients with cancer and relatives in the patient course across age, gender and socio-economic background
  • can discuss how the practice of cancer nursing to patients and relatives with different languages and different cultural backgrounds affects health, cancer and the choice of treatment
  • can account for communication with children and young people and their special needs and rights, including knowledge of the rights of the indigenous population


The student

  • can analyze, assess and handle complex and critical situations in accordance with health legislation and professional ethics
  • can apply knowledge and skills about infection control to assess needs, implement and lead infection control measures where cancer nursing is practiced
  • can apply their knowledge of how diagnosis and treatment can affect health, including sexual health

Teaching and learning methods

The course will use varied, student-active work methods. Work and teaching methods include lectures, group work, seminars and self-study.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the examination:

  • Minimum 80% attendance in scheduled teaching
  • Written assignment with oral presentation, carried out in groups of up to four students. Scope: up to 2,000 words

The students will receive written feedback on the assignment from the lecturer and oral feedback from fellow students and the lecturer on the presentation.


Supervised individual written examination (multiple choice and free text tasks), four hours.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


All answers are assessed by one examiner.

An external examiner is used regularly, at a minimum of every third completion of the course. When selecting answers for external evaluation, a minimum of 10 percent of the answers shall be included, with no fewer than 5 answers. The external examiner’s assessment of the selected answers shall benefit all students.

Overlapping courses

10 ECTS overlap with KREFT6100.