BV1300 Law - legal methods, sources of law and administrative law Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Juss – juridisk metode, rettskildelære og forvaltningsrett
Study programme
Bachelor Programme in Child Care and Welfare
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


In this course, the students will acquire knowledge of the regulatory framework and welfare law system that governs professional practice. They will learn about children’s rights in society (welfare law) and in the family (children’s rights), case processing rules in public administration (general and special administrative law) and how to proceed when seeking to solve legal issues (theory of sources of law and legal method). The course also includes an introduction to fundamental human rights and child welfare law.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes


The student

· has broad knowledge of legal method and sources of law, power distribution and the structure of the administration

· has broad knowledge of principles of law and basic concepts in welfare law

· has broad knowledge of the rules on children’s right to participation and self-determination

· has broad knowledge of the rules on duty of confidentiality, duty of disclosure and right of disclosure, and the duty to avert a criminal offence

· has broad knowledge of case processing rules for individual administrative decisions

· has broad knowledge of children’s right to protection and care pursuant to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other welfare rights of particular importance to children and young people in vulnerable life situations and their families

· has knowledge of the provisions of the Children Act on parental responsibility, custody and right of access

· has knowledge of the development and main content of the Child Welfare Act


The student

· can identify and discuss legal issues in accordance with legal method

· can apply case processing rules in child care and welfare work

· can safeguard the child’s best interests, children and young people’s due process protection and other legal principles in case processing

· can contribute to ensuring that children’s (and parents’) welfare rights are safeguarded

· can cooperate with different agencies within the applicable regulations

General competence

The student

· can safeguard children’s and families’ rights in encounters with the welfare services, based on knowledge of the legal rules' significance to child care and welfare work

· can present, document and give grounds for their choice of case processing steps to safeguard the child and family’s due process protection

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching methods comprise lectures and student-active sessions for working on assignments.

Course requirements

No coursework requirements/compulsory activities.


The course concludes with an individual five-hour written exam.

Candidates who fail or who were absent from the ordinary exam for a valid reason can take a resit/rescheduled exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Lovdata Pro.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


The exam papers are assessed by one internal and one external examiner. At least 25% of the exam papers will be assessed by two examiners. The grades awarded for the papers assessed by two examiners form the basis for determining the level for all the exam papers.

Course contact person

Hovedemneansvarlig: Helena Bärlund

Ko-emneansvarlig: Anniken Sørlie