BAPD2000 Project and Branding through Design Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Prosjekt og merkevarebygging
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Product Design
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2023
Course history


The course promotes knowledge of design as a professional pursuit. It comprises two periods, where the first period, (2 weeks), consists of an introduction to methods and theory. The second period, (remaining 4 weeks), involves collaboration between students across all three years of the BA programme. Students will be divided into groups across classes. In this period, theory and methods from the first period are put into practice, as the groups work in response to a real world client brief.

Required preliminary courses

Students must have passed BAPD1000, BAPD1020, BAPD1300 or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student

  • is familiar with identity building (part 1)
  • is familiar with theory and practice relating to branding (part 1)
  • is familiar with intellectual property rights (part 1)
  • is familiar with creative methods for innovation through problem solving and product development (part 2)
  • is capable of analysing a business/client
  • is familiar with different marketing strategies


The student is capable of

  • using branding and marketing as a basis for a design project (part 1)
  • using design sketch techniques as a strategic tool in the design process (part 2)
  • coordinating his/her own project with another project group (BAPD3000) (part 2)
  • using ideation processes fellow team members (part 2)
  • presenting and arguing for the choices made in the project (part 2)


The student is capable of

  • working on a project
  • organising cooperation and sharing responsibility
  • handling conflicts that arise during a project
  • communication skills; exchanging different points of view and experience contributing to best practice
  • reflecting on their own learning process and adjusting this under tutelage

Teaching and learning methods

Part 1: Projectwork in groups

Part 2: Workshop in collaboration with BA levels 1 and 3.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • Minimum 80% attendance in the project period (part 2).
  • Oral presentation in groups where all group members contribute (part 1).
  • Individual Reflective Note.


Practical exam in groups.

Through a group project in collaboration with fellow students in year one and three of the BA programme students are expected to develop proposals for solving real world assignments. Each group is tasked with an individual project from a unique client, all of which will have differing requirements. The group must identify which presentation formats and materials are most appropriate in order to communicate how solutions are to meet client needs. The module concludes with a visual group presentation, invariably supported by physical scale models and/or protypes; digital and/or other solutions. The work must be developed with consideration to client specifications; it must be relevant and contain all of the necessary elements ready for production and/or implementation.Exam results cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale



One internal examiner