ØASØK4000 Macroeconomic Policy Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Makroøkonomisk politikk
Study programme
Master Programme in Business Administration
Oslo Business School, Exchange Programme
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


In macroeconomics, students try to understand the relationships between aggregate economic variables such as inflation, unemployment, income and production and why they vary. In this course, students will learn how economic policy such as monetary and fiscal policy can influence the macroeconomic situation. The course builds on Macroeconomics I.

Language of instruction is Norwegian.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students will acquired the learning outcomes defined in knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student has in-depth knowledge of

  • models that can be used to analyse economic policy
  • how cyclical fluctuations arise and how they can be counteracted through policy
  • how institutions can influence policies
  • debt crises
  • open economy, monetary unions


The student is capable of

  • explaining important relationships between macroeconomic variables
  • using models to analyse macroeconomic issues
  • analysing how macroeconomic policy can influence economic variables such as activity and inflation
  • assessing current economic policy

General competence

The student can

  • communicate about macroeconomic issues, analyzes and conclusions of monetary and financial policy both with specialists and the general public
  • apply knowledge to help stabilize cyclical fluctuations

Teaching and learning methods

Plenary lectures.

The teaching is coordinated with ØASØK3400.

Course requirements

No coursework requirements or compulsory activities


The exam in the course is a supervised exam of 4 hours.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

The following aids are permitted:

  • Calculator (see regulations for the use of calculators in the programme description)
  • One dictionary (either first language-English/English-first language or English/English)

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


An internal and an external examiner will grade the exam.

A selection of at least 25% of the exam papers will be assessed by two examiners. The grades awarded to exam papers assessed by the external and internal examiner will be used to determine the level of all exam papers.

Course contact person

Fredrik Wulfsberg

Overlapping courses

Students who have the subject ØASØK3400 Macroeconomic Policy are not allowed to take this course.