Provide international guest researchers and employees a place to stay


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Provide international guest researchers and employees a place to stay

More international researchers and employees are now coming to OsloMet and lack a place to stay from the autumn. Can you help with rental housing?

Renting a room in shared housing/apartment, apartment or house/family homes are of interest for a few months to several years.

OsloMet International Staff Service has created an excel form where you who have housing for rent can enter information, which is shared in the Teams group for all international employees and guest researchers at OsloMet.

You can place the housing information here Employees at OsloMet who rent out.xlsx (office 365). You need to request access to enter information.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Note that many international employees are moving directly from abroad. It will take a few months before they have in place a bank account and deposit account in Norway. But an employment confirmation from OsloMet can be provided.

(This text has been translated with the use of Sikt GPT. The text has been quality assured by OsloMet.)